
I Find that Completely Unacceptable

In order not to die of boredom exercising on an arc trainer, I plugged into CNN today at the gym. Listening to them report on the plane flying erraticly and then crashing is just one of the main reasons I hate what CNN has become. They went from the plane flying erraticly to the pilot not having enough oxygen to not having enough fuel in about 30 seconds. They make it up as they go. Talk to this expert and that expert. Gosh folks we have to fill time here so let's have yet another expert refute what the first two experts had to say. And oh did I mention that we really don't know why the pilot crashed his plane - it may take weeks of investigation to determine that one but hey we have air to fill. The other televisions at the gym from which I can choose don't inspire much more interest. Bowling. Now there's something to take my mind off the tightening hamstrings. Sports highlights. Football? Please! Weather? Who watches weather?

So I stick with CNN. While all this - yawn - drama of a plane being following by two homeland security protector jets - yawn was unfolding, they repeatedly went to a commercial with Deborah Morosini who is Dana Reeve's sister and now a paid spokeperson for Lung Cancer Alliance. She speaks of the devastation of Dana's lung cancer even though she never smoked. She doesn't exactly say Dana's cancer was attributed to asbestos. She points out though that one of the culprits of lung cancer is asbestos. And then at the end of her highly paid message she says: "I Find That Completely Unaccpetable." What do you find completely unacceptable? The lung cancer commercial is repeated several times today just like that CNN repeats their news updates.
I find it unaccpetable that one in three of our children in public schools across this nation does not graduate. That they are functionally illiterate. That they cannot write a paragraph. I find it unacceptable that my government is considering euthanasia. I find it completely unacceptable that models are getting skinnier and adolescent girls diet. I find it unacceptable that we have holiday trees and season greetings. And with just some of that unacceptability, what am I going to do about any of it? Becoming a spokesperson - a paid spokesperson - might be a good idea. But I hardly have the credentials.
What do you do when you are "as mad as h... and not going to take it anymore?"

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