

To end our trip to Australia, we are going to the Rolling Stones concert March 28th.

It was difficult to buy tickets and after an hour, we have three random seated tickets. You can still buy side by side tickets with other agencies for a steep $200 handling fee per ticket meaning $1500/pair. We didn't pay that, but we won't be sitting beside each other either.

Australia. The Great Barrier Reef. The Rolling Stones. Sounds like a pretty awesome holiday we have awaiting.

Mick was wrong; you can get what you want. Sometimes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Actually, Mick was correct: His line goes 'you can't always get what you wa-ant, you can't always get what you wa-ant'. Which means, if you reverse it, that you sometimes can get what you want. However, sometimes, the price for what you want is too high - like paying and extra $200 for side by side tickets. It sounds like a ridiculous money grab cooked up by scamming middlemen. Be that as it may, I hope you have a wonderful trip and a thrilling time at the concert!! (Rose)