
Bender Mender

I'm on the wagon so to speak. When my ancestors stopped drinking from time to time, they'd say they were on the wagon. And then they weren't. A wedding would happen. A failed crop. Some trigger that disrupted their resolve and off they dropped and it was described as on a bender. I don't drink. I haven't my entire adult life. But from time to time I go on a bender. Ice cream. Chocolate. Excess and darkness. So much darkness that you think you will never see daylight  again or that you'll never find the wagon. But I did. Thanks to some sunshine. Thanks to some people who love and understand me despite the bender. Thanks to a project that will occupy my time and challenge me. I told a friend that 2013 was going to be my year of constant happiness. When I said if outloud for some reason it sounded like a Chinese saying. Whatever. I'm just glad I'm on the wagon again. Bumpy ride or not, I'm hanging on tight.


Louise Plummer said...

You and I went on our benders at the same time. I'm glad its over.

Louise Plummer said...

"Excess and darkness." Been there, done that. Many many times.

I drink to your constant happiness of 2013. (apple juice)