
Beware the Withered Rose

I love fresh cut flowers. I like them at my kitchen sink, in the bathrooms, bedrooms. Because I kill plants with too much kindness or neglect, I can always count on fresh flowers to jazz up a room. Now these white roses were actually a gift - I loved the color contrast with the blue vase. Their rosy fragrance filled my main floor bathroom. I was really looking forward to their blossoms unfolding magically. What is more beautiful than a fully opened rose?

Sadly, it never happened. One bravely tried. But look at some of these pathetic heads drooping.

There must be a sermon in here somewhere. Surely this could be one of those great unforgettable or at least original metaphors to illustrate a point: not giving up until we reach our potential, strength at the top kills what is at the bottom, or some other wise idea.

But maybe the most important lesson here to learn is the rose's delicate nature has no place in the bathroom!

1 comment:

Janine said...

I'd go with the last lesson about the bathroom. Surely you could also use that as a metaphor - our spirits will wither in the wrong environment...