
Dreaming and Writing

I went to see Julie and Julia for the second time last night with a friend. The audience was uniquely female. In that sea of women I wondered what lurked beneath the surface of their winter parkas and sneakers. There hidden away in a special corner of their heart lays their dream. I know mine certainly is there.
For the protagonists in the movie, their Eric and Paul fostered and encouraged their dreams. I love how bravery and determination were depicted. I loved how Julia's competitive spirit at the cooking school was not interpreted as something wrong. I loved too how each were not perfect women. I am not perfect and much like Julie, I am ADD too. I can start stuff but then grow bored or find a new direction to take and so don't finish too much or at least not in the manner I hoped when I started. I'm going to see Amelia soon and suspect that her dream and vision will also inspire me.
I'm going to keep on writing. Going to keep on keeping on.


Abbie said...

I don't know if I would call myself ADD but I feel, like you do, that I go from one thing to the next, never really focusing much on one thing. It's my weakness.

Whitney Johnson said...

Is it really figurative ADD? Or just that you are speed-dating dreams that you don't love -- and then move on?

I like what you said here -- Julia's competitive spirit at the cooking school was not portrayed as 'wrong'.