
Rolling Our Eyes

My sister and I roll our eyes a lot these days. Used to Be Mother does and says things that deserve some sort of reaction. After all it isn't every day that you are sitting beside a stranger in a restaurant and your mother offers him her half drunk glass of water. Or her showing everyone who would engage with her a picture of Jesus and asking if they knew who he was. Or her plunking her half eaten piece of bread on your plate announcing she doesn't want it. Or her obsession with closed blinds and tidied tables.

Rolling eyes is so disrespectful but it does relieve some of the tension that we feel. I'm so tired of hearing about eye drops, telling her I don't have any idea why the dog is barking, and I'm mostly just tired of not having a real conversation. The circular conversations will get your eyes fluttering faster than almost anything. You never cover any new ground.

Does Used to Be Mother detect our white eyed antics? Does she hear the annoyance in our voice? My prayers these days have changed from what I want to have happen with my children to God giving me more patience, more charity, more tolerance, more compassion, more ability to cope with the unravelling with the woman I love.

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